Instalove - Life - Observations

Things I will never understand

September 3, 2020

There are so many things I don’t understand.

Do you often find yourself watching or reading the news or doing something in life where you use the term “What the f*ck?”. Like what the actual f*ck. There are so many times each day, each week, each month…..where I just don’t get it.

Here’s my current list (in no particular order): 

  • Why do stupid people become so successful? Case in point: Donald Trump. 
  • On the flip side, why do smart people do stupid things? 
  • Why is the economy more important than the environment? Nearly 3 billion animals were lost in Australia’s recent bushfires, so let’s destroy some of their remaining habitat where there are some known colonies of Koala’s and build some overpriced McMansions. You can help here
  • Why were there millions of jobs throughout the world that required us all to go into an office every day, sit in traffic for hours, that are now magically able to be done remotely with the same output ….
  • If someone can tell me how to plot/interpret this diagram I would be much appreciative;
Adiabatic lapse rates, aerological diagrams and just generally using this graph paper are not my friend.
  • Why we work a ratio of 5 days work to 2 days on – it seems really crazy to me. Why does working rule our lives so much.  
  • Why school hours don’t match up to working hours.  
  • Why I can’t wear smart casual attire to work in the office. I’m not talking trackie daks and thongs, I’m talking black jeans, trainers and a cool shirt. I don’t produce work to a higher standard or work harder or more productively because I am wearing a business suit and heels.
  • Why people believe “Influencers” over actual scientific fact. All those people who promote health, wellbeing and natural lifestyle all while having fillers and implants. Photoshopped instaposts #blessed with captions like: “Today is the day to start your dreams” or “Wherever you find yourself there you are…use “influencer 10” for a 10% discount off incontinence pads”. Note: If anyone online says “You’ve all been asking what I’m wearing…..” you can ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE that NOBODY has asked them.
My attempt at influencing has earned me ZERO dollars and ZERO respect
  • Why is bottled water so popular? It’s free from the tap and perfectly safe in Australia. 
  • How people can abuse animals, or children? Some adults… I get.
  • Why mental health inpatients are given the same treatment as recovering drug addicts? I’m anxious and depressed, not coming off meth or opioids.  
  • Why people stand up as soon as the plane lands (mostly middle-aged man-babies, I wrote about it here). In the same way, why people jump up to go to the toilet as soon as the ‘fasten seatbelt’ sign is off. 
  • Why can’t I sleep at night? 
  • How the trees magically know it’s spring time. 
  • Why – when it’s summer I can’t wait for winter and in winter I can’t wait for summer.

That’s a good little list for starters. Got anything you want to add to my list?

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