Life - Observations

The Great Escape…

August 15, 2014

We all get urges. I’m not talking about the urge to have a glass (or bottle) of wine each night, or the urge to eat chocolate. Or even the urge to run away with the circus.

Just as we are all individual and unique in who we are and what we like, we are also all different in our urges.

At the moment, Ive got a bad case of the urges. Ive got the urge for change, for something different. To do something dramatic.

I’ve got the urge to move. I’m not talking about moving to the next suburb, or even a couple of kilometres away. Not even to the other side of the city.

I’ve got the urge to move … to the country.

At first I wanted to move to a country town, where I would drastically reduce or eliminate my mortgage and yet still live a life of wifi, lattes, new clothes and food on the table. But more recently I’ve been thinking about buying a block of land in the country and putting a cute little prefab cabin on it and living a live of need, instead of want.

I love the concept of having a cabin that is only the size that I need. Of only buying in life the necessities and not having excess ‘stuff’. My apartment is currently full of stuff I don’t need, and clothes I don’t often wear, of knick-knacks and stuff I have bought and never use. Why do I have 8 yes towels and 26 coffee mugs when I live on my own? How many tea light candle holders does one girl need?  I have 300 CD’s and no CD player (I purged it in my 100 item challenge)

With eco (and wallet) friendly, super cool and amazing designs such as these below, who could blame me for wanted to pack up and start a fresh in a funky new pad, surrounded by the Australian bush instead on neighbours, traffic and noise?




 Source (For both above)
















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