
Strange Things that Comfort me when I feel sick….

July 22, 2014

What’s worse than getting sick on a weekend and spending the weekend in bed?

Getting sick on a Friday, so you get any hopes of a happy weekend dashed before the weekend even begins.

I had the flu about 8 weeks ago, so I was totally devo last friday when I got the all familiar sniffles and scratchy throat of a head cold. I refused to believe that I could be getting sick, I even took an anti-histamine tablet when I got home in the hopes that it was hayfever. Amateur mistake.

I don’t get sick very often – usually only when I come into contact with kids (no built-up immunity) or when I go through periods of stress and then start to relax (like school holidays straight after exams).

I think when I get sick my brain changes….and not necessarily in a good way. Sometimes I like to pretend I’m in hospital, and that there’s a hot doctor treating me (and not necessarily appropriately)…. WAIT. That’s got nothing to do with being sick. Sorry. Story for another time. Awkward.

There are a number of things that comfort me when I’m sick and I have a couple of rituals that I don’t think speed up my recovery but certainly make the journey a lot more enjoyable.

This little guy is the main man when it comes to comforting me when I’m sick. My personal hot water bottle.
Once when I had food poisoning he slept next to me on the bed for 3 straight days. Did. Not. Move. Total Legend!

  • Sports Energy Drinks. Has to be Lemon Lime. On the side of the pack it says that it “Replaces essential electrolytes lost in sweat”. Nowhere on the pack does it say that this sweat has to be caused by exercise. In my mind I think that these drinks are like “Super-Water” and whether you are losing that sweat during an Olympic triathlon or by over heating in your PJ’s because you are wearing 3 extra layers, thermal underwear, socks and fell asleep with the heater on “tropical” totally same same in my book. 
  • Eucalyptus vapour rub. My preferred is EukyBear Rub. I can totally tell it was pretty strong because it makes my eyes water, but it is still soft on the skin. Which is especially important for us ladies…as we have to rub it on our décolletage/upper cleavage area.
  • Canned Peaches and Jelly. I have had a fascination with canned peaches since I was a child. They are my ultimate comfort food. I don’t know why but I love them. Especially if you can get them in Mango puree. Heaven in a can. Even without a sore throat, Jelly has to be the ultimate sickie’s food. Smooth and cool. Slides down fast and kind of melts in the stomach so if you have to vom – it doesn’t come back up in chunks. Feel free to write a comment if you want to Thank me for that visual. 
  • A variety of tissues. I like to alternate between Aloe Vera infused tissues for softness and Euclayptus infused tissues for medicinal purposes. I like to have them laid out side by side so that I can choose. 

What do you use to sooth your ailments?


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