Instalove - Interiors - Observations

Cool Cans: Toilets With Attitude

January 18, 2016

Personally I have never really though of a toilet as a design item. Sure toilets are necessary and functional….very functional but stylish? I think not. Or so I thought….

I have two toilets in my home – three if you include Pluto’s toilet outside. I use the same one every time I need to go – the ensuite. So I save the main bathroom toilet for ‘good’. For special occasions. Just like the good silverware or dinnerware. I have an everyday bog and a save-it-for-special bog.

We’ve all had bad toilet experiences. The public toilets that have no toilet paper and no soap. The outdoors freezing toilets in the middle of winter. The line up for a port-a-loo at a festival that was so long that as soon as you got to the front and completed your business you had to re-join the line again. The hole in the ground. Trying to hold in a giggle after the person in the cubicle next to you farted, or worse, trying to be discreet only to let one rip (cut ye olde cheese) within earshot of all in public amenities.

One of the perks of living alone is not having anyone to hear, smell or complain about your toilet habits, which is a good thing. I have many toilet stories, some good, some embarrassing, some pretty gross (why am I telling you all this) although not all of the stories are mine…..are they Aimee?

My bathrooms are both decorated the same. Actually it was one of the things that attracted me to my apartment. All white with a line of pale grey accent tiles. Boring – yes, but also not likely to go out of fashion any time soon. Given the white on white is a bit boring for a bathroom I have been looking at ideas of how I can inject some colour into the bathrooms, you know without just looking at toothbrush holders and colourful hand towels. Now that I think about it  why do we clean out teeth next to the toilet, surely the stink fumes would cross contaminate the toothbrush?

Here were some of my favourite ideas?


Need a space to place all your collected pictures. Why not try a mood board bathroom. Source / Source



Currently I need a new toilet roll holder….what better than a dinosaur! I would never get out of the shower with tiles like these. Source / Source



Can’t decide on a coloured tile for your floor? Why not pic all of them! Also why can’t you paint a bathroom fuchsia? Source / Source



If you want to spice up your current white bathroom why not use a rug? A dark wall and some artwork? I love the idea of an indoor rainforest which looks great with the blue/green subway tile. Clockwise from top left: Source / Source / Source

Do you have a cool loo? Got any awkward bathroom stories? How do you spice up a boring space?


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