Blog It Like It's Hot - Life

Bye Bye Comfort Zone……

February 17, 2016

So the other day I said I had some “Big News”……

I’m not pregnant, getting married, haven’t found a bloke nor am I moving house. Not changing jobs, becoming a scientologist or adopting another dog.

My news is that I am officially a student again.

Studying Fundamentals of Graphic Design which will hopefully lead into a Diploma of Graphic Design.

I haven’t told anyone what I was hoping to do, as I didn’t want to be talked out of it. At the start of the year I blogged about three words to summarise what I wanted my year to be about: Change. Simplify. Create. Hopefully doing this course will feed into the Change and the Create.

It was only when I was approached about another job at work, that I realised that although I have a career, that I am 100% committed to: My career at the moment is not my passion.

Over the last year to 18 months I have loved plying around with my computer and creating graphics to use on my blog. Experimenting with what things look like and how images convey ideas not just through words, but through their images and composition. More and more, I find myself looking at design blogs, finding ideas and inspiration, creating a board on Pinterest for what appeals to me. Starting to develop my own style I guess.

I went to sign up to this course about 3 times, then chickened out. Convinced myself that only ever having studied science and maths, that I wasn’t creative enough or good enough to take on a graphic design course.

So this week, after the third time entering my name in the website to find out more information, a course adviser, my new course adviser called me to discuss my options, and so I decided to do a basics course first to give myself an introduction before hitting up a diploma. I am doing the course online.

Look, I am literally twice the age of everyone else enrolling, but seriously who really cares. What does that really mean anyway? That I’m not creative, that I’m too set in my ways to learn something new? Well to that I say hooey! I will pass round some Wurther’s Originals in class and listen to the wireless in breaks. I might even show them how to make a mix tape the real way, by listening to the radio and holding down the ‘record’ and the ‘pause’ button at the same time on your ‘ghetto blaster’.

Telling you this so that you all can kept me honest…..fulfil my commitment. Although the only real commitment at the moment is to myself. I’m sure you’ll see some of my attempts right her on this little blog o’ mine.

Soon, I will hopefully be able to create these myself but for now here’s one that was prepared earlier (by someone else)


Smash those comfort zones!

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