Blog It Like It's Hot

Welcome to the New…

July 30, 2014



In honour of my progress from being early 30’s to mid thirties. I am celebrating with a new blog. Well, the old one just made better.

Assisted by Pluto the Wonder Dog. I have been cooking up some serious change for my blog and a slight change of address.

So without further adieu I present to you my new creative space for writing, sharing stories and all things blog…..

Firstly. I’ve created my own domain

Secondly for all those blog nerds out there I’ve hosted and created the website as a WordPress blog, moving from Blogger.

And Thirdly, I have updated the look of the blog and added a few more features. Making it look more professional.

This change (pardon the pun!) could not have happened without a couple of people.:

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I was doing a blog course as part of The Media Maid’s Blog Academy. The course has been amazing and has really given me the confidence to take my blogging to the next level. It has really added fuel to my blogging fire.  A Massive Thank-You to the awesome Katrina Chambers. You can find details about The Media Maid here.

I am a massive fan of supporting creatives and freelancers so when looking for a new theme (look) for my blog I searched Etsy. In my search there were a whole heap of cool designs but I kept coming back to the Etsy shop called xosarahshop. After looking at her blog,  I discovered that not only is she a kickass blogger and web design freelancer, but also talented aerial gymnast with some awesome tattoos and has a dog very similar in appearance to Pluto. Take my money now….Sold!

Welcome to the new, would love to know what you think.



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