
Weekend Shenanigans

December 8, 2013

This weekend I did two things that I never do. And I have to say I feel pretty good about it. 

Firstly, I spent the day in the garden yesterday. I deconstructed a disused, rusted out old barbeque. It had fallen over and couldn’t stand up anymore. I de-dog-pooed, swept and cleansed the pavers. I trimmed back trees, I planted some veges and I put all my disused, old outdoor furniture out on the street for someone with more need for it than me, to take it! 
And take it? Boy, they sure did. Within 6 hours: 5 chairs, two tables and a rusty old sun lounge had all found themselves new homes. The barbeque has gone to meet the big gas bottle in the sky, unfortunately. 
The garden purge made me feel good, getting rid off all those old items, clean the pavers and get my hands dirty planting seedlings, that in a few weeks i’ll be able to eat, actually it made me feel great. 
Until this morning. 
When I went to take a cup of freshly brewed earl grey to sit out in the morning sun and bask in all the courtyards freshly cleaned and tidied glory….until I realised I had nothing to sit on except the cold concrete. 
So, after 1 trip to a big box hardware/home store, a couple o hundred bucks, me brandishing an allen key and possibly breaking a couple of toes tripping over the box – this is the georgeousness that I now have to sit on. 
And what better way to break these bad boys in than by mixing up my current favourite drink. Bundaberg Ginger Beer, Lime, Mint and Ice, of course with a straw! 



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